As new leadership steps into authority in America, the church can NOT just sit back and think everything is going to be fine. The forces of darkness are not just going to lie down and give up all of the ground that they have gained in this nation. Our new leaders need all of the prayer covering they can get. Just like Herod killed the children trying to stop the new born Messiah, there have been open death threats and the forces of darkness both foreign and domestic are unifying and foaming at the mouth with rage and defiance. We must pray not only for their protection, but for them to hear God clearly for wisdom and strategy. Things that have been put into place are going to have to be dismantled with godly understanding on how to do so within the laws of the land and diplomatically.
The Christmas story (see Matt 1-2; Luke 1-2) gives several examples of the way the Lord led each detail to bring forth His will that had been prophesied for generations. An angel was sent to several people in the Christmas story to deliver important information about big things that were going to change those peoples’ destinies. Gabriel visited Zacharias, Mary, Joseph (in dreams), the wise men (in a dream), and the shepherds. Zacharias responded in doubt and was struck dumb. What if Joseph had not believed his angelic dreams? It had to have been tough for Mary and Joseph to face the critics! What if the wise men had ignored their dream and told Herod where the baby Jesus was? When the Spirit of the Lord whispers in our heart, how do we respond?
I want to join the list of people recorded in Heb. 11 who were history makers and nation shakers by faith as they stepped into God’s destiny for their lives. We live in an awesome generation where there is about to be another mighty clash between the powers of darkness and Light. We must pray for confusion in the camp of the enemy, that all of their plans be brought to light, foiled, and brought to justice. God has been patient, long-suffering and merciful with the past few generations. But He has arisen and said, “Enough is enough!” It is time to confront evil and bring a massive Great Awakening that will sweep the globe! We must pray for boldness and the Spirit of wisdom and understanding for the leaders of the free world, and for the church globally.
“Let love explode and bring the dead to life, a love so bold to bring a revolution somehow!” EVERY Christian must do their part to arise and declare, “Our God’s NOT dead! He’s surely alive! He’s living on the inside, roaring like a lion! Let heaven roar, and fire fall! Come shake the ground with the sound of revival!”
(The Newsboys: God’s Not Dead)
Many are allowing the enemy to get them distracted and focused on negative circumstances in their own lives and in the news. We have got to keep our eyes on the King of Kings! When we seek the kingdom of God, not only will our needs be met, but we will find out what our part is to play in the bigger picture of what God is doing to shake this planet with His glory right now! We all have big destiny-dreams that God has dropped down into our spirits. These dreams can tend to be pushed aside for many different reasons. Walking through tough times, disappointments, long delays, our own perceived inadequacies, etc. can cause us to throw in the towel on them. But it’s time to stir them up again. Drag them out of that back closet of your mind, dust them off, and meditate on them once again. If you don’t have any idea what God wants for your life yet, then seek the Lord. He wants to gently guide you into a wonderful plan He has for you (Jer. 29:11).
There are much more important things to be focusing our priorities on than worldly/fleshly pursuits that so easily distract us. The choices we make not only bring results in our lives, but also impact the people around us including the future for our children (Hebrews 12:1-2). We are supposed to be the light and salt in this world, by letting Jesus be the One people encounter when we walk in the room.
Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. It is so important that we be in intimate fellowship with God as we go into this new year. We need to hear Him and have faith to believe and receive all that He leads us to do. The dreams God gives us are always way too huge to be done in our own human strengths or abilities. We have to rely completely on God for them to be accomplished. That’s the whole point! But, just as Gabriel told Mary, “with God nothing will be impossible”, we want to say to you, “You can do it!” So set aside your doubts, fears, hurts, disappointments, seemingly impossible circumstances, etc. and fix your eyes on God again. Like Mary, let’s all tell the Lord, “Be it unto me according to Your word”! Because we believe that God has huge things in store for 2017!!!